Pricing - Welcome to our Pricing Page!

Discover the perfect plan to meet your needs. Our pricing options are designed to provide you with flexibility and value, ensuring that you get the most out of our services. Whether you're an individual, a small business, or a large enterprise, we have plans tailored just for you.

Our transparent pricing ensures that you know exactly what you're getting, with no hidden fees or surprises.

Take a look at our pricing options below and choose the plan that suits you best.

. We're committed to delivering exceptional value and support every step of the way.


5000 USD
  • 1 dedicated developer per project
  • email, loom videos
  • Select priority task
  • Understand the project progress

General + 1 dev

6000 USD
  • 2 dedicated developers per project
  • email, loom videos
  • Select priority task
  • Understand the project progress

General + 2 devs

7000 USD
  • 3 dedicated developers per project
  • email, loom videos
  • Select priority task
  • Understand the project progress